How to keep a glowing white?

Timeless, practical and easy to mix, white is probably the most fashionable color in household linen. Unfortunately, over time, some materials are losing their initial whiteness... In particular if they are exposed to light or confined in a small space for too long! What a disappointment then, when one pulls out his sheets from his closet. With a few simple tricks, it is possible to attenuate this yellowish look to restore a bright whiteness to your bed linen!

Bleaching your laundryBleaching your laundry


First of all, it is essential to carefully sort your linen in order to preserve the original colors: always wash the white with the white!

To avoid any unpleasant surprise, also avoid bleach. Additionally, drying outdoors is highly recommended. Be careful though: do not expose the laundry to the sun for too long, as this can create some stains or bleaching.

You need a few tricks to launder your laundry if despite all these precautions your linen is no longer so bright ? There are various ways to whiten it whether in machine or by hand.


- Lemon: Natural bleaching agent, it will give clarity to your linen. Simply add the juice of 1/2 lemon to your usual laundry.
- Bicarbonate of soda: Add 2 tablespoons of bicarbonate of soda into your laundry tub. You can also rinse your laundry in water, adding about 500 grams of bicarbonate of soda.
- Chemical yeast: Pour a bag of baking powder into your laundry tub. This technique also revives bright colors.
- Hydrogen peroxide: Fill a basin or bathtub with very hot water (between 30° and 60°) and add hydrogen peroxide. Let your clothes soak between 2h and 4h.
- Milk: As surprising as it may seem, milk can have whitening virtues for your laundry. Soak for about 1 hour in milk.

White linen careWhite linen care
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